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Welcome. Contact Design (dba Survey Feeds) is a nationwide user research organization that connects qualifying participants with technology companies to help make new products easier and more pleasant to use.

We are looking for people who would like to participate in a research study regarding your technology use and habits.

If you qualify for this research, you may be invited to participate in one to two phases of this study, one of which is a one-week remote diary study and one of which would be a 2-hour, in-home interview.

If you're interested in participating, please complete this application form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MQWS5X9

Study details:

COMPENSATION: $150 (diary only); $390 (diary + in home interview)

WHAT: A 2-hour, online diary (15-20 minutes per day over 7 days) and a possible 2-hour, in-home interview

WHEN: August 12 - 30, 2024

WHERE: Online plus a possible in-home interview in New York City

We will follow up shortly if you qualify.

Please be aware that completing this application form does not qualify participants for any form of compensation.


- There are limited spots that will be filled based on who responds first.

- Please be assured that this study is for research purposes only and at no time will you be solicited. Anything you discuss in this research will stay strictly confidential.

Thank you!

Contact Design, Inc. | dba SurveyFeeds

yourcontacthub.com | surveyfeeds.com

A+, Better-Business-Bureau accredited company

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