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Johns Hopkins CIR is conducting an outpatient research study to see if an investigational dengue virus vaccine will prevent people from getting infected with zika virus. Because dengue and zika are closely related, transmitted by mosquitoes, and present in the same areas of the world, we want to see if there is any cross protection between the two viruses (meaning protection from zika virus if you are given a dengue virus vaccine).

The study is divided into 2 parts. In the first part, study participants receive an investigational dengue vaccine or placebo and return for 12 follow-up visits after vaccination. In the second part, study participants return 6 months after vaccination to receive the zika challenge virus. There are 19 follow up visits and one follow up phone call after challenge. Participants must agree to both parts and be available for one year to complete the study. People who are 18-40 years old, who are willing to use certain methods of birth control, who are not pregnant or breastfeeding, and who have healthy immune systems may qualify. Study participants will receive up to $6100 for full study compliance.   

To learn more about study requirements and procedures, visit our website at https://centerforimmunizationresearch.org/dengue-vax/zika-challenge-study-cir-369 , call our recruitment line at 410-955-7283, or email us at JHSPH.ProjectSAVE@jhu.edu.

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