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For the survival of our Families and our Nation, we must make America EMP Immune. Please check our Website www.EMPImmunity.com, on which you find my bio.

EMP Immunity is a new Business Trend which will produce Millionaires, just as the Internet did in the past: Google, Facebook and Amazon.

When we meet in person, I will show you the Business Plan that will get you on track to earn the Million Dollar income. I will also show you that I have already earned that amount.

We will work with College Students in Orlando. Using Social Media our Orlando Team will expand our Program nationwide in a coordinated fashion. Master Mind Team USA will manage this nationwide expansion. There are 18 million Students in 6,000 Colleges and Universities.

This will permit us to build the large Team that we need for our EMP Immunity Program. The result will be the Million-dollar income for our key contributors,

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