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Leave me a voicemail. I am looking for 7 people to work full time at our West Palm Beach location near Community Drive and Military Trail, fundraising for Non Profits and Charities. We have been a company for 19 years, and the position is a W2 position that pays weekly, so we guarantee $13 per hour, and the average person with weekly performance bonuses makes $18 per hour. I am looking for people that can take constructive criticism, as we do daily recording sessions with our employees. You MUST be able to follow a written script VERBATIM. If you have been convicted of a felony within the past 10 years involving theft, larceny, robbery, fraud, embezzlement, financial or charity crimes, then you are disqualified, so please do not call, otherwise:

You must speak perfect English

Working hours: Monday thru Friday, 10am to 4pm is required, however you can work up to 40 hours per week. Full timers can work a maximum of 40 hours per week as you are a W-2 employee, And you must work all 5 days.

Near Military Trail and Okeechobee Blvd.

Top sellers are making $18-$25 per hour. Fundraising is much easier than telemarketing.

You must call me, do not email me please. Also, you MUST leave me a voicemail so I can hear your speaking voice.

Call Kevin at: 561-329-4040 and Leave a Voicemail. I will not respond unless you leave me a VOICEMAIL.

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